    (Last updated : 2024-10-01 17:30:09)
  DAN Yuya
   Department   Matsuyama University  Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration
   Position   Professor
E-mail Address
Personal Home Page URL
Educational Background
1. 1995/04~1999/03 College of Natural Sciences, First Cluster of Colleges, University of Tsukuba, Graduated, Bachelor of Science
2. 1999/04~2004/03 〔Doctoral course〕 Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, University of Tsukuba, Completed, Ph. D. in Science
3. 2001/03/31
Degree Acquisition
University of Tsukuba, Masters Degree in Science
Research Field (Keyword)
Mathematical Analysis (Key Word:Partial Differential Equations, Computer Simulation, Artificial Intelligence) 
Research Subject
1. 1999/04~  Mathematical Structure of Schroedinger Equations  (Key Word : Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics)
2. 2004/04~  Analysis of Mathematical Models using Computer Simulation  (Key Word : )
3. 2004/04~  Design of Algorithm for Artificial Intelligence Systems  (Key Word : Computer Shogi)
Work experience /Academic appointments
1. 2004/04~2006/03 Kanto Gakuin University Faculty of Engineering Assistant in Education
2. 2006/04~2008/09 Matsuyama University Faculty of Business Administration Lecturer
3. 2008/10~2015/09 Matsuyama University Faculty of Business Administration Associate Professor
4. 2012/09~2013/08 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet München Mathematisches Institut Visiting Scholar (Gastwissenschaftler)
5. 2015/10~ Matsuyama University Faculty of Business Administration Professor
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Membership of Professional Organizations
1. 2003/10~ The Mathematical Society of Japan Link
2. 2005/04~ Information Processing Society of Japan Link
3. 2006/04~ The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Link
4. 2010/04~ Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Link
5. 2014/04~ Digital Games Research Association Japan Link
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1. 2024/09 Other Formation of local community through esports: Effects of student-planed "e-challenge" (Collaboration)  Link
2. 2024/09 Other Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Models using Entropy of Images (Collaboration)  Link
3. 2024/06 Other Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Models using Entropy of Images (Collaboration)  Link
4. 2024/03 Other A Method for Editing of Highlight Components on a Single Image (Collaboration)  Link
5. 2024/03 Other On automatic generation of game maps according to user-specified scenes (Collaboration)  Link
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Committee and society
1. 2019/05/01~ Creative Adviser Link
Certificates and Licences
1. 1995/12/05 Class II Information Technology Engineer
2. 1998/12/08 Systems Administrator
3. 2003/01/15 Gyoseishoshi Lawyer
4. 2005/06/16 Software Design & Development Engineer
5. 2006/12/11 Application Systems Engineer
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Invited Lectures
1. 2010/02 Cooperative Career Education in the Region of University (Matsuyama University)
2. 2011/06 A Message for Students in Globalization of Society (Yawatahama High School)
3. 2012/06 Information Diffusion on Social Networks
4. 2014/07 Introduction to computer programming for high school students
5. 2015/07 Introduction to computer programming for high school students
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Contributions to councils/committees external to the university
1. 2011/10~2011/10 SIMUL 2011 Session Chair
2. 2012/01~2012/12 SIMUL 2012 Technical Program Committee
3. 2014/08~2014/08 Session Chair