    (Last updated : 2024-10-31 09:39:53)
   Department   Matsuyama University  Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics
   Position   Associate professor
Personal Home Page URL
Educational Background
1. 2014/04~2016/03 Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Completed,
2. 2016/04~2020/03 Graduate School, Division of International Development, Nagoya University, Completed,
Research Field (Keyword)
Foreign language education (Key Word:Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Learner Corpus Research, L2 Writing, English Education) 
Research Subject
1. 2020/09~2022/03  An attempt at a comprehensive error analysis using learner corpus and natural language processing techniques  (Key Word : )
Work experience /Academic appointments
1. 2023/04~ Matsuyama University Faculty of Economics Associate Professor
Membership of Professional Organizations
1. 2014/04~ Language Education & Technology
1. 2024/09 Article Interplay Between Communicative Adequacy and Essay Scores in Second Language Writing : A Preliminary Study (Single) 
2. 2023/09 Article Exploring the Availability of Error-Free Sentence Ratio as a Measure of Second Language Accuracy Predicting Essay Score : A Preliminary Study (Single) 
3. 2022/04 Article Rule-based or efficiency-driven processing of expletive there in English as a foreign language (Collaboration)  Link
4. 2022/03 Article Pitfalls of production data analysis for investigating L2 cognitive mechanism: An ontological realism perspective. (Collaboration)  Link
5. 2021/12 Article Developing the Model of Explaining the Variance in Second Language Writing Quality With Syntactic Complexity : A Preliminary Study (Single) 
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